
Poet's paradoxe /La paradoja de los poetas / Colillas (2012)


Diario lateral de artista;De unas cosas y otras (ffmendoza au,esp,fr)

Poetas creatividad y destructividad
Notas sueltas
No quiero chocar a nadie pero el numero de poetas (artistas y creadores ) conocidos que se han suicidado solamente en la época moderna es bastante extensa . Como en todo, aquellos desconocidos para nuestra crónicas y documentos deben ser a un mas numerosos.Es posible que exista en este sentido de buscar lo sutil y el como expresarlo una angustia existencial que desborda el instinto de adaptarse .Quizás también la sociedad humana crea rituales y maneras
de sentir que no son las adecuadas para llenar el alma de esas personas para la que las dudas asedian, desbordan la mente . A ciertas preguntas no pueden contestar las certitudes habituales que rodean la vida de todos los días,la actividades humanas del día al día sean cuales sean, no son sustituto a un cierto vacío de alma sensible, ningún entretenimiento u escape es remedio; Mayakovsky lo resume así en sus versos:
…."el barco del amor
ha naufragado
contra la vida cotidiana'….

Artist lateral diary; creativity of the every day
Journal intime et lateral d 'artist; creativite de chaque jour
Diario lateral de artista;la cretividad al cotidiano .
Photography collection of the artist
For HD Image,Reproductions,Editorials,Comissions
and other uses,Please contact the artist


Digital Graphic Creation/Collection of the artist

Journal; From one thing and another (ffmendoza au, esp, fr)

Poets creativity and destructiveness
Loose notes
I do not want to shock anyone but the number of poets (&artists ) known to have committed suicide only in modern times is quite extensive. Like everything else, these strangers to our chronicles and documents should be even more great quantity . May i said that perhaps exist in this sense in the artist's mind in is subtle look and how to express it a
fundamental anguish, the existential blues that goes beyond the instinct to adapt. Perhaps human society also creates rituals and ways from where creative mind feel excluded ...
...they are somehow not adequate to fill the soul of those people for whom the doubts assail, overwhelm the mind... For Certain questions and certainties the answer can not been in the usual surrounding of the life of every day, the human activities from day to day whatever they are, can not be a substitute for the sensitive soul, entertainment has escape is no remedy ...
Mayakovsky sums well this in his verses:
.... "The Love Boat
has wrecked
against everyday life '....


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